Ethics and compliance

At Tomaz do Douro, we value transparency, integrity and ethics in all our operations. In order to reinforce these values, we have implemented the General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption, in accordance with Decree-Law No. 109-E/2021. This regime establishes essential measures to prevent and combat corruption, promoting a fairer and more trustworthy business environment.
The General Regime for the Prevention of Corruption (RGPC) is a set of rules and procedures designed to prevent and combat corrupt practices. Established by Decree-Law No. 109-E/2021, the RGPC establishes mandatory measures for companies and public entities, including the implementation of compliance programs, codes of conduct, internal reporting channel, training and internal control systems.

Main Objectives

  • Corruption Prevention: Implement effective measures to prevent corrupt acts before they occur..
  • Promoting Integrity: Fostering a culture of ethics and integrity
  • Transparency: Ensuring that all actions and decisions of entities are transparent and accessible for audits and assessments.
  • Accountability: Ensuring that all parties involved are held accountable for their actions, encouraging compliance with standards.


  1. Risk Reduction: Minimizes the risks of involvement in corruption scandals, protecting the entity's reputation.
  2. Improved Trust: Increases the trust of stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and investors.
  3. Legal Compliance: Ensures that the entity is in compliance with current legislation, avoiding sanctions and fines.
  4. Ethical Environment: Creates a more ethical and transparent work environment, improving employee morale and productivity.

Implementation of the GDPR

Implementation of the GDPR requires a serious and ongoing commitment from entities.

  • Preparation of Plans: We develop a risk prevention plan and code of conduct adapted to the organization's reality, including an Anti-Corruption Policy.
  • Internal Reporting Channel
  • Training and Awareness: We promote ongoing training for employees on corruption prevention policies.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: We establish ongoing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure the effectiveness of the measures implemented.

The adoption of the General Corruption Prevention Regime is a fundamental step towards building a fairer and more transparent society.

Useful links

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